
regardless of where you are on your dreadlock journey. Maintenance not only rejuvenates your dreadlocks but also ensures they look and feel fresh and free from frizz. During maintenance sessions, I use a crochet hook to skillfully reintegrate loose hairs into your dreadlocks or to reshape and repair any damaged or misshaped dreadlocks. In the case of Congo dreads, they can be carefully separated and reshaped to achieve uniform dreadlocks.

Root Maintenance

Repair & Dreadlock Surgery

At Bodhi Hair & Dreadlocks, our commitment to excellence ensures that our dreadlock maintenance services not only maintain an elegant touch but are also notably faster than industry standards. To receive accurate pricing and schedule your appointment, please book a consultation or send a picture to me via text at 720-400-7272. It's crucial to book the appropriate service time, as unused time will still be billed, and charges reflect the proper completion time for services.
